Monday, July 18, 2005

Playing catch (up)

The community can thank Kit for prodding a new post. Or maybe you won't want to thank him after you read. At least it's something.

After a lengthy stay at home (too long in some ways), I made my way back to the great MidWest and to the LYW in the last week of June.

After a week of catching up in the office, I began a 3 week stint teaching Marching Band Techniques. We're now in week 3. It's a shame the class isn't full (3 grad, 3 undergrad)...the course isn't offered in the regular Music Ed. curriculum, and offered only as an elective in the summers. So, I end up with grad students who have been teaching the stuff for years and are just looking for credits toward their part-time degree, and a few well-meaning undergrads who either know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING or are band jocks looking to show off what they know. It's a juggling act. PyWare is a pretty good equalizer..,.especially when it's a version none of them have ever used.

Our li'l ol' camp is next week. All chamber music (so that enrollments can stay small and flexible). It's a bit frustrating. Seems no matter how much advertising, mailing, and phone calls we make, the enrollment still sputters.
Both of these activities pay for my summer living, so I can't complain too much...they make the job worth it.

I've also decided to apply/audition for an opening as Director of a pretty dang good community band. Sounds like it's down to me and one other person. They'll have us in for a series of rehearsals and a concert this coming fall to make the final decision. Could be a serious boost to the vitae, not to mention another outlet for playing things of a different ilk.

The really good news is when August hits, I can take some more time off, and get ready for the main event (school) to begin after Labor Day.

The City of Festivals (Milwaukee) is in full swing. Summerfest is done, but just this past weekend we had the French festival dowtown, and the annual airshow out over L. Michigan...Blue Angels were here. They were very cool, but hard to teach when they're practicing right over our building! There's still time to come have fun here this summer....gimme a hollar.

In the words of my hero (JB), "the weather is here, wish you were beautiful."


Ludakit said...

THANK YOU!!! Don't make me wait that long ever again.

Brett said...

It was great to hear from you today. I hope you find many more "professional" excuses to call. I will attempt to do the same, though the state won't pick up the tab.