Friday, June 17, 2005

OK, OK, I'm up!

Had a 4am need to visit the latrine (don't drink coffee before bed, kids). Then the creeping into the brain of issues, items, concerns, desires, anticipations (if that can even be a multiple noun?), and other general STUFF.

Don't you hate it when you WANT to sleep, you CAN sleep (meaning you've got a comfortable place and plenty of time), but your mind just won't shut the F*Ck up?

What keeps you up?

What do you do?

I'm glad I have blog-reading to catch up on. Thanks for your collective perspective. Y'all are great company this morning!

1 comment:

Oob said...

What keeps me up? What ifs. Worrying about things completely out of my control. Wondering if I'm making the right decisions. Grrrr. I had a night like that last night too. *yawn*