Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I'm in neutral.

Ever get to one of those places, mentally, where there seems to be nothing going in, or going out?

I recognize that there are things that I need to do, but I do not seem to possess the initative to do them.

I don't feel down or up, glum or glee....just (as a good friend once put it)....fwahh.

Summer's not over, but I've been everywhere and done everything I wanted to. Things are getting cranked up at school, and I'm OK with that. I guess I coming to the realization that I need structure to be productive. Someone, please, throw me a deadline or a schedule. Did I just admit that? Damn.

Gimme a hollar.


Brett said...

Do it, now.

Michael said...

I need that sandwich by noon on Thursday.

Ludakit said...

Get productive...

Well get reproductive. It always helped me.

Russell said...

STAT mother fucker, STAT!!!

Gunner said...

Hmmm...a deadline. Hi, you come here often?

Brett said...

Your blog is in neutral.