Thursday, April 14, 2005


I never been a video freak, but since receiving one of those DVD/VCR combos for Christmas, I've been developing a DVD library. My collection currently consists of (in order of purchase/acquisition):

1. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (love this movie so much, I bought this about 2 yrs ago to watch at a friend's house...before I had my own machine.)
2. Jimmy Buffett "Mini-Matinee #1" (a collection of video snipits from various live concerts.....I know, I'm a parrot-geek.)
3. Blazing Saddles (no real man's collection is complete without it)
4. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (a Wisconsin-Target impulse: I needed to hear - even it may be fake - Southerneese and look at mossy trees)
5. Gods and Generals (from the same $5 bin at Target)

Suggestions for others? I'm talking about great movies accompanied by some interesting features, extras.


Russell said...

gotta have Spaceballs

Michael said...

Office Space
Blues Brothers
Animal House

TV series...
Simpsons seasons 3-5
Seinfeld seasons 1-3
The Ben Stiller Show (complete)
SNL Best of Phil Hartman

Ludakit said...

Fight Club
All 3 Matrix Movies
The Lost Boys
Anchorman (Screw Dodgeball)

Love Actually (every guy needs one good chick flick in case the time comes...I suggest this one)

Russell said...

Dodgeball is awesome a must own.

Ludakit said...

Fuck Dodgeball...that's my next post.

Brett said...
