Monday, March 26, 2007

The emperor's new clothes

I must say that this has been a fairly torturous time for me and for the students I see on a daily basis. First, there was talk on the streets about a rumored retirement. Then we produced a poster announcing a special celebration concert in honor of the retirement. Then students and their families received a letter, requesting that they contribute to the celebration and the newly "named" scholarship fund, based on said retirement. But still, there was no no open acknowledgement that the retirement will happen (from the retiree-to-be), nor that there are really solid, exciting plans for this program's immediate future. Students have shared their concern about not really knowing, but the comments are more focused on how "we can help celebrate." Isn't that just like young people? rise to the occasion and - when the chips are down - step up and do the right and the most positive thing possible?!
The resulting feeling is of suppressed excitement. I am excited for a great opportunity, and the students are excited for something new, different. I am excited for my partner-in-crime for this venture; I feel proud that I was able to recruit someone so talented and enthusiastic. I am excited for my mentor who will begin a new (and more than likely) equally productive part of his campus.
I am pushing the issue in a private home "intervention" later this week. The wife of the retiree supports me, and we are working on helping the Emperor to enjoy his new digs.


Brett said...

Four things:

1. I linked you again. Don't disappoint me like Will the Frequently Absent Then Eight Months Behind.
2. I am missing something.
3. You are married?



Brett said...
