Monday, June 12, 2006

Even vanilla can be exotic

During the past week, I have slowly descended (literally and figuratively) back to my homeland, and I have been enjoying it tremendously. I have visited Ken-yuk-ee, Hot-lanna, the upstate of SC, Athens, and home. I love the reconnecting with place and people that comes with this annual trek. But it was during Saturday's baseball post-mortem with the boys that I realized that my perspective on certain things have been influenced by being up there 11 months out of the year.
It was a pleasant afternoon for people watching, and I did more than my share. My eyes struck out to a standard issue co-ed, and it hit me: "...and that's B-flat, man." At once flipant and graceful, she flipped and flopped her way into the neighboring coffee giant to meet friends. Though she wore a pony-tail, it was well-coiffed in color and cut so that you knew she cared about how she didn't care. She carried the mantle of the "Classic City" well. The Chamber of Commerce is really doing a nice job engendering return visitors. I'll be back this weekend.

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