Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I am a Homer

I take pride in pledging allegiance to the home team.

Since moving, I have been totally impressed at how the native folk tailgate. I lucked-up on an opportunity (thanks to my esteemed colleague) to be at Lambeau on a Monday night game. Even at night...cold and Wisconsin, the atmosphere rivals Big-10 gamedays. And everytime I go to the ballpark, I appreciate the number of people with grills, the amount local beverages, and other activities taking place.

I am excited to be taking (at least a part of) the Pep Band to the Brewers game tomorrow aft. for our version of a "Band Banquet." Not only is it a day off, but a time to reflect on a nice year of unprecedented success for our teams and greater involvement in our activity than ever.

Countdown check: 14 days and 16 days.

PS: Can you tell that I finally figured this out?

1 comment:

Ludakit said...

I need your E-mail addy.