Monday, April 25, 2005


OK, listen up....need all y'all's help on this one!

Scenario: Second band, mainly undergrad music majors (avg. age is 2nd-3rd year student); fifth week of prep on this show

Setting: Concert hall, Dress #1 of 2, three days removed from our previous full ensemble rehearsal

Essential question: "Why the f*ck can't they just LAY IT OUT on the first go-'round?!?!?!?!?"

Everything is going along swimmingly, and then BOOM!, some individual idiot goes off into rhythmic/temporal la-la land, and momentarily tries take the whole G-D ship down with them! Way to teach them to listen to and react to another, Corley!



Ludakit said...

There there...just lay your head in my man boobs. It'll all be ok.

Brett said...

I think you should scream and yell loudly.

Michael said...

I usually just hide under some coats and hope everything works out.

Gunner said...

I'm a big fan of a stern calling them back to the focus they already have, and if that doesn't immediately right the ship, then .45 Calibre Side Arms cocked on the music stand does add an air of seriousness to rehearsal.

Corley said...

Such pearls of wisdom. I'll probably go with a combo of all of the above, minus the man-boobs.

Ludakit said...


georgiagirl said...

I have one of the wacky conducting styles that brett alluded tool. Perhaps if you adopted a body swaying, swinging, arm flappy style for a bar or two, the oddness would cause them to reconnect - or notice the beat. Or hide under the coats, I like that idea!